4 Smart and Easy Changes to Reduce Stress in Your Life

Life isn't easy. It seems like we're all in the throes of an ever-quickening pace with too much to do and not enough time to accomplish it all. It's stressful, right?Increased stress levels act to sabotage your health, your happiness, your relationships and so much more. Like your term life insurance policy. Surprised to hear that? Well, think about all the negative effects of stress on your body. Each one of the following health issues can cause your application for life insurance to be rated, which means you'll pay a higher premium, or declined outright.
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Heart-related problems
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
Research shows that stress can not only worsen existing medical conditions, but it can bring on new ones. And sadly, 43 percent of adults suffer adverse health effects due to stress, according to WebMD. Besides helping you with your term life insurance needs, we're always on the lookout for other ways to help you manage your responsibilities and take better care of yourself and your family. Because, like you, we know the key to a fulfilling life is to find balance. Of course, that's easier said than done. Which is why we are sharing these four simple changes you can make today to help minimize the stress in your life.

1.  Stop trying to multitask.

Studies have shown multitasking actually makes people less productive. In fact, during an interview on NPR last year, Stanford University Professor of Communications Dr. Clifford Nass said, "People who multitask all the time can't filter out irrelevancy. They can't manage a working memory. They're chronically distracted." So if you're a compulsive multitasker, it's likely you're always falling behind on the things you need to accomplish at home and on the job because you can't focus effectively. What could be more stressful than that?

2.  Set priorities.

As with multitasking, no good comes from treating all of your responsibilities with the same amount of urgency and importance. You can get your life in order and reinstate balance by taking inventory of your obligations and prioritizing them. Make a list and put them in order of "most important" to "least important." And then scrutinize that list very carefully. Is there anything you can delegate or completely eliminate? If "yes," you know what to do! 

3.  Say "No" more often.

Taking on too much leads to feeling overwhelmed. While you might find it difficult to say "no" to people, you sometimes need to gracefully decline requests so you don't overcommit. With volunteer endeavors, for example, always find out how much time and effort will be involved before you agree to serve on a committee or take on a project or task. Always consider your other commitments and be realistic when assessing if a new responsibility will fit into your schedule without jeopardizing your ability to take care of yourself and those around you.

4.  Secure some peace of mind.

We don't have complete control over a lot of things in our lives. That can be a source of stress and chronic distraction in itself. It's especially so when we doubt or feel uncertain about the future of our loved ones. Taking action to make sure those near and dear to you will be financially secure if something happens to you can give you peace of mind and eliminate unnecessary stress. No one likes to think about not being there for their family, but it's important to plan for that. Term Life Insurance is one way to better ensure your family won't struggle to make ends meet if the unspeakable happens. Thankfully, there are flexible choices to meet different situations and budgets, so the peace of mind that comes from having a life insurance policy&s=https://veteranshealthinsurance.blogspot.com/' target='_blank'> term insurance policy&s=https://veteranshealthinsurance.blogspot.com/' target='_blank'> life insurance policy is attainable for most people.

Stress happens. Keep calm and put it in its place.

While stress is inevitable in the world we live in, isn't it calming to know you don't have to let it rule you? By paying attention to what's really important, you can keep stress from taking its toll on you and those who matter most. And by incorporating these stress-busting tips, you'll be well on your way to better health and peace of mind.

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